Thursday, September 3, 2009

Filipino Language is a Key for National Identity

How and why is Filipino Language a key for National Identity?
We Filpino use Filipino Language in our everyday life. We should thank Manuel L. Quezon , the Father of Filipino Language, he introduces to the Flipinos the Filipino Language. By speaking Filipino Language we can express our feelings , thought , ideas and used it for communication. Here in the Philippines we are used in speaking in Filipino Language. We also have a lot of dealects that all of us know this dealect but the only way for us to understand and communicate to each other. If we go outside the country , they will know that you are a Filipino if you will speak Filipino Language.
Therefore , other nationalities will easily know us that we are Filipino if we use Filipino Language in speaking or communicating to other people. Filipino Language is for Filipinos so Filipino Language is the key for national identity for us Filipinos.

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