Sunday, August 2, 2009

"English or Filipino Needed in the Community"

What is a English language?How about Filipino language?And why do we need this language?And why should we speak in English or Filipino properly with kindness?
English is a universal language.Foreign countries have different languages so English language serves as their communication.Filipinos need English language to find work so Filipinos must learn on how to speak in English.Like Filipinos who is going abroad,they need English to communicate and understand with their boss.Filipinos know how to speak in Filipino because its our own language and it is the easier way for us to express ourselves and want we wanted to say.For students,we should also learn in speaking English or Filipino so that we will be used to speak in English or Filipino.For some it is easier in speaking in Filipino rather than English but we should try to be using English.For its a modernized world,we must learn how to speak in English or Filipino to be ready in the future.
English and Filipino language is very important to learn and understand because we need this in our daily life,it serves as a communication and a way for us to express ourselves.In speaking in English or Filipino we should spaek properly with kindness with respect to English and Filipino language and for a better communication.

1 comment:

  1. nice blog.i don't like the color.sorry!hehehehehehehehe!peace!
